Golden Flower

I was the first to sow in
the seeds of beautiful golden flower,
But it took a long to turn into a tower
Therefore people declared it as noxious flower.

I was still tensed and worried
Because the plant was still burried.
Now the people called it a weed
Because it took a long to please.

In the next fresh morning
The plant was casted into a flower
Kept all mouths close for several hour.
It then grew as tall as a tower
Wearing the crown of beautiful golden flower.

Some betrayed the flower
Some loved the flower
While some were envy of it for every little hour.

Now in the dark black hour,
The thief stolen that beautiful golden flower
And sowed it far and wide.

The golden flower then blossomed at large,
The golden flower now blossomed all hearts.
Now people understand the importance of nature,
Now people accepted the importance of patience.

They started digging the seeds,
All over the barren beach.
And now the town always blossoms
Just like a rose in all four seasons.

Published by Nidhi

Writing is my predilection. I love to blog for the length of time. If you come across any of my blog that you find interesting, it is the only natural way to know more about the blog itself. After all, reading one post does not typically reveal all there is to know more about a person behind it.

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  1. Thanks ‘J’!..for reminding one’s efficacy,someone’s power..!
    Patience:-an attitude / behavior when it’s hard to wait and go!


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